Localisation of Strabismus in different mutant backgrounds

Strabismus in a flamingoE59 clone

Loss of flamingo leads to a large reduction of Strabismus from the cell junctions, and a loss of asymmetry.

Flamingo is required for junctional localisation of Strabismus.

Confocal images of pupal wings at about 28 hours. Distal is rightwards and anterior is upwards. Loss-of-function clone, mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red, left panels). Clone is mutant for flamingoE59.

Strabismus-EYFP reduced at junctions in absence of Flamingo (also reduced when Flamingo is O/E).


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

Strabismus-EYFP in a frizzled mutant background

Loss of frizzled disrupts Strabismus junctional localisation and asymmetry.

Strabismus-EYFP reduced at junctions and not asymmetric in absence of Frizzled

Confocal images of pupal wings at about 28 hours. Distal is rightwards and anterior is upwards. Loss-of-function clones, mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red, left panel).

O/E of Frizzled also results in more Strabismus-EYFP at the junctions (and Strabismus is not asymmetric)


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

Strabismus in a dishevelled3 mutant background

Loss of Dishevelled slightly reduces Strabismus-EYFP levels.

Loss of dishevelled3 disrupts Strabismus astymmetry.

Loss of dishevelled3 leads to loss of Strabismus-EYFP asymmetric localisation in pupal wings at 28 hours. Distal to the right. Loss-of-function clones, mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red, left panel).


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

This result was also published in Ressurreição et al. (2018) using dshv26

Strabismus in a diego mutant background


Diego is required for the asymmetric localisation of Strabismus and the formation of puncta.

Strabismus in diego380 mutant clones in a Drosophila pupal wing.

Strabismus in a prickle mutant background

Strabismus-EYFP levels not altered, but asymmetry is lost, in the absence of Pk-sple.

In the absence of Prickle, Strabismus puncta are smaller and Strabismus asymmetry is lost

pk-sple13 mutant. is required for asymmetric localisation and accumulation of polarity proteins.

Confocal images of pupal wings at about 28 hours. Distal is rightwards and anterior is upwards. Loss-of-function clones, mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red, left panel).


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

Strabismus-EYFP in a Prickle over-expression background

Loss of asymmetry and an increase in the amount of Strabismus at the junctions.

Overexpression of leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry.

Clones of overexpression indicated by lacZ staining (red).

Strabismus-YFP in Act-GAL4/UAS- overexpression clone.


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

Over expression of Dishevelled leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry

Loss of asymmetry and an increase in the amount of Strabismus at the junctions.

Over expression of >>Dishevelled leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry

Strabismus-YFP in Act-GAL4/UAS-Dishevelled overexpression clone.

Clones of overexpression indicated by lacZ staining (red).


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003

Over expression of Flamingo leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry

Loss of asymmetry and a decrease in the amount of Strabismus at the junctions.

Over expression of Flamingo leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry

A clone showing an increase in Dishevelled at the junctions

Possibly a reduction at the junctions...trabismus-YFP in Act-GAL4/UAS-Flamingo overexpression clone in the main example the other example Strabismus also looks reduced.

Strabismus in an Frizzled over-expression background

Loss of Strabismus anymmetry and loss of large puncta.

Over expression of Frizzled leads to a loss of Strabismus asymmetry.

Strabismus-YFP in Act-GAL4/UAS-Frizzled over-expression clone.

Clones of over-expression indicated by lacZ staining (red)


Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003