Localisation of Frizzled in different planar polarity mutant backgrounds
Fz-GFP in a flamingo E45/E59 mutant background
Loss of flamingo leads to a large reduction of Frizzled from the cell junctions. Fmi is required for junctional localisation of Fz.
Image shows stanE59 mutant cells (not expressing lacZ, red).
Note that Frizzled-GFP is lost from all cell boundaries, in particular at the proximal edge of the clone (arrowheads), and that in the adjacent wild-type cells, Frizzled-GFP shows a preference for lying perpendicular to the clone boundary.
Asymmetric localisation of frizzled and the establishment of cell polarity in the drosophila wing. David Strutt 2001
Fz-GFP in a strabismusA3 mutant
Loss of strabismus disrupts Frizzled junctional localisation and asymmetry.
Loss-of-function clones; mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red). Frizzled-GFP in strabismusA3 mutant
Fz in a stbmA3 mutant background
For the clone image: Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
For the whole mutant wing image: Asymmetric localisation of frizzled and the establishment of cell polarity in the drosophila wing. D Strutt, 2001
Fz in a dishevelled3 mutant background
Frizzled localisation is compromised in the absence of Dishevelled.
Dishevelled disrupts Frizzled astymmetry
In dishevelled 3 mutant cells (not expressing lacZ, red). Frizzled-GFP apical localisation was preserved, but no protein asymmetry.
This result was also published in Ressurreição et al. (2018) using dshV26.
Fz in a stbmA3 mutant background
Frizzled in a Diego mutant background
Diego is required for Frizzled-EGFP asymmetric localisation and the formation of puncta.
No published images in the pupal wing.
Frizzled-EGFP in diego380 mutant clones of a Drosophila pupal wing.
Frizzled in a prickle-spinylegs13 mutant background
Prickle is required for Frizzled asymmetry.
In the absence of Prickle, Frizzled puncta are smaller and Frizzled asymmetry is lost.
Fz in a pksple13 mutant background prickle13 mutant
For the clone image: Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
For the whole mutant wing: Asymmetric localisation of frizzled and the establishment of cell polarity in the drosophila wing. D Strutt, 2001
Frizzled-GFP in clones over expressing Strabismus
An increase in Stbm disrupts Fz localisation and reduceses puncta size.
Strabismus is required for Frizzled localisation and asymmetry
Fz-EGFP in overexpression clones using Act-Gal4 UAS-Strabismus marked by lacZ staining (red).
Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
Frizzled-GFP in clones over expressing Flamingo
An increase in Flamingo increases Frizzled junctional localisation but is a loss of asymmetry.
Flamingo is required for Frizzled localisation and asymmetry.
Anti-Frizzled (in red) with overexpression of ??-Gal4 UAS-Fmi (A version that lacks the ΔPBM) indicated by presence of GFP.
Differential stability of flamingo protein complexes underlies the establishment of planar polarity. H Strutt and D Strutt, 2008
Fz is lost on clone boundaries when neighbouring cells overexpress Frizzled.
Frizzled in clones, looking at Frizzled-EGFP localisation in cells surrounding the clone
Increased levels of Frizzled inside the clone results in Frizzled in cells outside of the clone to acummulate away from the clone boundary.
Clone of cells overexpressing Frizzled (marked with lacZ, red) at 30 hr APF. The cells outside the clone express Frizzled-EGFP.
Clones were made using Actin-FRT-y-FRT-GAL4, UAS-lacZ (Ito et al., 1997), and UAS-Frizzled (Adler et al., 1997).
Asymmetric localisation of frizzled and the establishment of cell polarity in the drosophila wing. D Strutt 2001
Looking at Frizzled junctional asymmetry when overexpressing Prickle
UAS-Prickle expressed in the lower part of the image, with Frizzled-EGFP in all cells
Overexpressed Prickle using Engrailled-Gal4 UAS-Pk is marked with a green line.
Overexpression of Prickle leads to an accumulation of Fz at the junctions and also at the junctions outside of the region of overexpression (green arrows)
Prickle mediates feedback amplification to generate asymmetric planar cell polarity signaling. D Tree, J Shulman, R Rousset, M Scott, D Gubb and J Axelrod 2002
Looking at Frizzled junctional asymmetry when overexpressing Dishevelled
Looking at Frizzled-EGFP localisation in cells surrounding the clone.
Unpublished images of Frizzled-EGFP in a UAS-Dsh overexpression background.