Localisation of Diego in different mutant backgrounds
Diego in a flamingoE59 clone
Loss of flamingo leads to loss of Diego from the junctions.
Flamingo is required for junctional localisation of Diego.
Confocal images of pupal wings at about 28 hours. Distal is in the top right hand corner Clone is mutant for flamingoE59.
The ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. F Feiguin, M Hannus, M Mlodzik, S Eaton, 2001.
anti-Diego in a frizzled mutant background
Loss of frizzled disrupts Diego junctional localisation and asymmetry.
Diego reduced at junctions and not asymmetric in absence of Frizzled.
Confocal images of pupal wings at about 28 hours. Distal is top. Loss-of-function clones, mutant tissue indicated by absence of lacZ staining (red, left panel).
The ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. F Feiguin, M Hannus, M Mlodzik, S Eaton, 2001.
Diego in a dishevelled mutant background
Loss of Dishevelled reduces Diego levels (Wu 2008).
Loss of dishevelled disrupts Diego astymmetry.
Pupal eye image, arm-lacZ FRT18/dishevelledv26 FRT18; hsFLP/+
Diego localisation in the pupal eyeDiego is reduced apically but still present, so Frizzled recruits Diego largely independently of Dishevelled -Wu et al. 2008.
This seems unlikely given the images shown. More likely that Dishevelled is required for Diego recruitment to the junctions and in the absence of Dishevelled remains in the cytosol. A wing image would give a clearer result.
Jun Wu, Andreas Jenny, Ivana Mirkovic, Marek Mlodzik, 2008.
Diego in a Strabismus mutant background
Loss of strabismus disrupts Diego astymmetry.
Diego in a prickle mutant background
Diego in a >>Prickle over-expression background
Overexpression of Prickle leads to a loss of Diego asymmetry.
Over expression of >>Dishevelled leads to a loss of Diego asymmetry
Over expression of Flamingo leads to a reorientation of Diego asymmetry and the formation of large puncta
Diego asymmetry is re-orientated to be in parallel to the Flamingo overexpressing cells.
Over expression of Flamingo leads to an increase in Diego.
Patch-Gal4 UAS-Flamingo in pupal wings.
Diego is enriched at distal sides of cells (Das et. al. 2004). The paper referred to here (Feiguin, 2001) suggests, without evidence, that Diego could be on both sides of the cell.
The ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. F Feiguin, M Hannus, M Mlodzik, S Eaton, 2001.
Dishevelled when >>Frizzled is overexpressed
Over expression of Frizzled leads to a loss of Diego asymmetry.
Dishevelled when >>Strabismus is overexpressed
Over expression of Strabismus leads to a loss of Diego asymmetry.