Prickle localises to proximal membranes in pupal wing cells from approximatly 24h to 301h after puparium formation. Prickle binds Dishevelled and blocks Dishevelled membrane association.
Tree et al. 2002: Prickle is Localised Proximall at the proximal side of pupal wing cells at 30APF. In a wing containing a pk-sple13 mutant. Wild-type cells surrounding the clone are indicated by yellow dots.
The role of Prickle and Spinylegs in the wing, eye and abdomen
The Prickle and Spinylegs proteins both contain three LIM domains and a 'Prickle Espinas Testin' domain but differ in their N-terminal domains (Ayukawa July 2014).
The role of Prickle in developing Drosophla neurons
There is some evidence that Prickle interacts with Flamingo. Prickle and Flamingo play a role in neurite growth in Drosophila.
Some Prickle[1/1] i>mutant embryos excibit sensory axons that migrate correctly but stall in the nerve prior to the junction with the ventral nerve cord. A similar phenotype in observed in a Flamingo mutant.
Prickle is expressed in the sensory neurons.
The core planar cell polarity gene prickle interacts with flamingo to promote sensory axon advance in the Drosophila embryo, EM Mrkusich, DJ Flanagan, PM Whitington, Developmental Biology.