Localisation of Flamingo in different mutant backgrounds
Flamingo in a strabismus6 mutant clone
Loss of Strabismus leads to a reduction of flamingo from the cell junctions, and a loss of asymmetry.
Strabismus is required for junctional localisation of Flamingo.
The image shows the gene name.
Flamingo reduced at junctions in absence of Strabismus.
Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
Flamingo in a frizzled mutant background
Loss of frizzled disrupts Flamingo junctional localisation and asymmetry.
Flamingo levels are reduced and is no longer asymmetric in the absence of Frizzled.
Imunostaining for Flamingo in pupal wing cells mutant for frizzledK21/frizzledD21.
Flamingo, a seven-pass transmembrane cadherin, regulates planar cell polarity under the control of Frizzled. T Usui et al., 1999
Fz in a dshV26 mutant background.
Flamingo in a dishevelled3 mutant background
Loss of dishevelled disrupts Flamingo junctional localisation and asymmetry.
Flamingo is no longer asymmetric in absence of Dishevelled.
This result was also published in Ressurreição et al. (2018) using dshV26.
Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock et al., 2003
Rapid disruption of Dishevelled activity uncovers an intercellular role in maintenance of Prickle in core planar polarity protein complexes. Ressurreição et al., 2018
Flamingo in a diego380 mutant background
Loss of diego disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry, but Fmi is still localised to the cell membrane.
Flamingo is no longer asymmetric in absence of Diego.
Flamingo is abnormally polarised in whorls.
"Flamingo sometimes polarises its distribution in parts of dgo380 mutant wings at later times (29 to 30 hours after puparium formation), but the axis of polarity is often abnormal." Feiguin et al., 2001
The Ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. F Feiguin, M Hannus, M Mlodzik, and S Eaton, 2001
Flamingo in a prickle mutant background
Loss of pickle disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry.
Flamingo is no longer asymmetric in absence of Prickle
Imunostaining for Flamingo in pupal wing cells mutant for pk-sple13.
Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
Flamingo in a prickle over-expression background
Addition of pickle disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry and increases the size of Fmi puncta.
Flamingo puncta increase in size when Prickle is over-expressed.
A Ptc-GAL4/UAS-Pk wing at compartment boundary (red denotes the Pk expression).
Strabismus is asymmetrically localised and binds to Prickle and Dishevelled during Drosophila planar polarity patterning. R Bastock, 2003
Flamingo in a Dishevelled over-expression background
Addition of Dishevelled disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry and increases the size of Flamingo puncta.
Flamingo puncta increase in size when Dishevelled is over-expressed.
Flamingo in a Diego over-expression background
Addition of Diego disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry and increases the size of Flamingo puncta.
Flamingo puncta increase in size when Diego is over-expressed.
The Ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. F Feiguin, M Hannus, M Mlodzik, and S Eaton, 2001, Dev cell
Flamingo in a Fz over-expression background
Addition of Fz disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry.
Flamingo in a Stbm over-expression background
Addition of Stbm disrupts Flamingo cellular asymmetry.